Zero-Emission Home Unveiled

1.Wind catcher, for summer ventilation
2.Solar array at back of house for hotwater and electricity
3.High-level of wall insulation
4.Biomass boiler

The UK has unveiled its first zero emission home that will set the environmental standard for all new homes in the future.

The two-bedroom house is insulated to lose 60% less heat than a normal home.

It also features solar panels, a biomass boiler and water efficiency devices such as rainwater harvesting.

The design, unveiled at the Offsite 2007 exhibition in Watford, meets rules to be applied in 2016 that aim to make UK homes more energy-efficient. – Read more on BBC

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How Many Visitors Does Your Site Need to Make You A Web 2.0 Millionaire?

Ever wonder how many hits it took for your website to make you a millionaire? This chart shows traffic data from Compete & Quantcast on the 25 ‘Hottest’ Web 2.0 start-ups as of May 07 such as FaceBook are on fire, while many others are not doing as well. So if you can add 500K new visitors to you might just become the next Kevin Rose 😉

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Razor-thin TV screen you can wear as a T-shirt

In the race for ever thinner displays for TVs, cell phones and other gadgets, Sony may have developed one to beat them all – a razor-thin display that bends like paper while showing full-colour video. Sony Corporation posted video of the new 2.5 inch display on its’ web page.In the video, a hand squeezes the 0.3 millimetre (0.01 inch)-thick display, which shows color video of a bicyclist stuntman, a picturesque lake and other images.

tshirt tv

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Comcast Plays Porn Instead of Cartoon on Disney Channel

Just saw this earlier today, really can you imagine what the parents must of been thinking when this happened….

MIDDLETOWN, N.J. – Cable operator Comcast is investigating how hardcore pornography was broadcasted during a popular cartoon program on the Disney Channel.

Customer Paul Dunleavy would also like to know. He was stunned Tuesday morning to find his 5-year-old son watching something other than “Handy Manny,” a cartoon about a bilingual Latino handyman and his talking tools.

“It was two people doing their thing, it was full-on and it was disgusting,” the Middletown father of three told The New York Daily News for Wednesday newspapers. “I couldn’t believe it.”

Dunleavy’s phone number was unlisted when The Associated Press tried to contact him Wednesday.

Fred DeAndrea, a spokesman for Philadelphia-based Comcast, confirmed the programming error occurred around 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. He described it as an “isolated issue in a local New Jersey facility.”

“We automatically detected the issue and it was corrected promptly. We apologize to any customer who experienced an issue yesterday morning,” said DeAndrea, who said the mistake was made by his company, not Disney.

DeAndrea declined to provide the duration of the pornography broadcast, how many homes it reached, how the mistake happened and whether anyone will be disciplined for the X-rated error.

A Disney Channel spokeswoman said the company has asked Comcast for assurances that appropriate measures were taken to prevent such offensive incidents from happening again.

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